Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Tbk

PT. United Tractors Tbk. adalah distributor peralatan berat terbesar dan terkemuka di Indonesia yang menyediakan produk-produk dari merek ternama dunia seperti Komatsu, UD Trucks, Scania, Bomag, Tadano, dan Komatsu Forest. PT.

Di era seperti saat ini perusahaan tidak hanya melihat seseorang dari ijazah dan kampus mana mereka lulus. Namun, perusahaan juga melihat seseorang dari skill yang dimiliki. Kalau kemampuan yang dimiliki biasa-biasa saja apalagi rendah, maka besar kemungkinan akan tersingkir pada saat melamar kerja. 

Meskipun setiap posisi pekerjaan memerlukan skill atau keterampilan khusus, namun ada banyak keterampilan lain yang penting untuk dimiliki karena dapat ditransfer atau diterapkan di semua posisi. 

Adapun 6 skill teratas yang paling dicari oleh para perekrut meliputi: Berpikir kritis dan problem solving, kerja sama tim, profesionalisme dan etos kerja yang kuat, keterampilan komunikasi lisan maupun tertulis, Inisiatif, dan leadership.

Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Tbk

1. Management Trainee

Job Description
  • Supervise, monitor and control daily operation of finance and administration in branch or jobsite
  • Manage and increase spare parts sales and inventory
  • Organizing all maintenance and product services of heavy equipment in customer business
  1. Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance, Management, Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering.
  2. GPA min 3,00
  3. Fresh graduates or Senior at final semester are welcome
  4. Communicative and able to work in team
  5. Willing to work in all regions in Indonesia

2. Business and After Sales Consultant

Job Description
  1. Aggressively establish customer intimacy by providing solutions and consultancy to customer needs.
  2. Facilitate after sales services to ensure customer satisfaction and improved business processes.
  1. Bachelor degree in Economics or Engineering
  2. GPA min 3,00
  3. Fresh graduates or Senior at final semester are welcome
  4. Communicative and able to work in team
  5. Willing to work in all regions in Indonesia

3. Corporate Audit, Finance, and Accounting

Job Description
  1. Prepare monthly statement, document financial transaction
  2. Ensures compliance with established internal control procedures
  3. Assisting in the execution of financial, compliance and operational audits of internal control
  1. Bachelor degree in Accounting or Financial Management
  2. GPA min 3,00
  3. Fresh graduates or Senior at final semester are welcome
  4. Communicative and able to work in team
  5. Willing to work in all regions in Indonesia

4. Corporate Information & Technology

Job Description
  1. Develop, implement and maintain applications
  2. Analyze and identify problem which may occur in the system
  3. Analyze the trend toward current product and system for further product improvement
  1. Bachelor degree in Information Technology, Information System, Electrical Engineering or Telecommunication Engineering.
  2. GPA min 3,00
  3. Fresh graduates or Senior at final semester are welcome
  4. Communicative and able to work in team
  5. Willing to work in all regions in Indonesia

5. Data Scientist and Engineer

Job Description
  1. Processing data including understanding data lineage of data source that will be used in the prediction model.
  2. Identify valuable insight and in depth understand business cases via data mangling and advanced statistical analysis.
  3. Developing analytical software solutions for various applications within the organization that drive development and innovation in the area of AI system.
  1. Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering or related fields
  2. GPA min 3,00
  3. At least 2 years of working experience in unstructured data analytical area
  4. Have interest in Artificial Intelligence
  5. Dynamic personality, good communication and able to work in team


  • PT United Tractors Tbk never ask for any payments from applicats at any point in the recruitment process.
  • Every recruitment invitation will be send from recruitment@unitedtractors.com . If you received a recruitment e-mail from any other e-email address, please disregard it immediately.
  • For more information , you can contact us at recruirment@unitedtractors.com

Apply here until January, 15th 2022:

  1. Management Trainee: bit.ly/UT-MT2022
  2. Business and After Sales Consultant: bit.ly/UT-BASC2022
  3. Corporate Audit, Finance, and Accounting: bit.ly/UT-CFA2022
  4. Corporate Information & Technology: bit.ly/UT-CIT2022
  5. Data Scientist and Engineer: bit.ly/UT-DATA2022

Berkas Lamaran Kerja yang Perlu Disiapkan Saat Melamar Kerja Online (Artikel RumahCV)

Dokumen pendukung yang ada pada berkas lamaran kerja berfungsi sebagai bahan evaluasi perusahaan terhadap para pelamar. Para pemberi kerja mungkin memerlukan lebih banyak informasi untuk menentukan pelamar mana yang nantinya akan diwawancarai dan akhirnya direkrut. Selain itu, berkas lamaran juga digunakan untuk mengonfirmasi apa yang tertuang dalam CV anda seperti "kelulusan", pengalaman kerja dan IPK anda.

Melampirkan berkas lamaran lengkap juga bisa dikatakan sebagai ujian awal apakah pelamar dapat mengikuti instruksi yang diberikan atau tidak. 

Berikut adalah berkas lamaran kerja yang sebaiknya dipersiapkan:
  • Surat Lamaran
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) | Download Puluhan Contoh CV format ms word disini
  • Fotokopi Ijazah dan transkrip nilai
  • Fotokopi KTP dan Kartu Keluarga
  • Pas Foto Terbaru
  • Sertifikat atau piagam penghargaan
  • Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
  • Fotokopi Surat Pengalaman Kerja/Referensi Kerja
  • Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Sehat

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