Procter & Gamble (P&G)

Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G, NYSE: PG) merupakan perusahaan internasional yang memproduksi barang konsumen yang bergerak cepat. Kantor pusat P&G terletak di Cincinnati, Ohio, Amerika Serikat. Perusahaan ini didirikan tahun 1837. Perusahaan ini mempekerjakan 140.000 pekerja pada tahun 2005. Saat ini, P&G merupakan saingan dari Unilever.

Di era seperti saat ini perusahaan tidak hanya melihat seseorang dari ijazah dan kampus mana mereka lulus. Namun, perusahaan juga melihat seseorang dari skill yang dimiliki. Kalau kemampuan yang dimiliki biasa-biasa saja apalagi rendah, maka besar kemungkinan akan tersingkir pada saat melamar kerja. 

Meskipun setiap posisi pekerjaan memerlukan skill atau keterampilan khusus, namun ada banyak keterampilan lain yang penting untuk dimiliki karena dapat ditransfer atau diterapkan di semua posisi. 

Adapun 6 skill teratas yang paling dicari oleh para perekrut meliputi: Berpikir kritis dan problem solving, kerja sama tim, profesionalisme dan etos kerja yang kuat, keterampilan komunikasi lisan maupun tertulis, Inisiatif, dan leadership.


Internship Information
  • Our interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our Permanent positions. Based on your performance, you may get full time job offer from P&G.


  • You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
  • Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
  • Open to all fields of study, but majors/having experience with business/marketing are preferred.
  • You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
  • You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
  • You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
  • You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
  • You take initiative and show flexibility
  • You are brave and willing to learn new things
  • You are English proficient (written and spoken)
  • Job locations: Jakarta, Jawa, Indonesia


  • You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
  • Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
  • Open to all fields of study, but majors in industrial/chemical engineering/computer science and/or having experience with digitization & automation, data analytics/science are preferred.
  • You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
  • You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
  • You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
  • You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
  • You take initiative and show flexibility
  • You are brave and willing to learn new things
  • You are English proficient (written and spoken)
  • Job locations: Jakarta, Jawa, Indonesia


  • You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
  • Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
  • Open to all fields of study, but majors in industrial/chemical engineering/computer science and/or having experience with digitization & automation, data analytics/science are preferred.
  • You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
  • You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
  • You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
  • You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
  • You take initiative and show flexibility
  • You are brave and willing to learn new things
  • You are English proficient (written and spoken)
  • Job locations: Jakarta, Jawa, Indonesia


  • You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
  • Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
  • Open to all fields of study, but majors in industrial/chemical engineering/computer science and/or having experience with digitization & automation, data analytics/science are preferred.
  • You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
  • You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
  • You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
  • You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
  • You take initiative and show flexibility
  • You are brave and willing to learn new things
  • You are English proficient (written and spoken)
  • Job locations: Karawang, West Java, Indonesia


  • You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
  • Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
  • Open to all fields of study, but majors/having experience with finance/business/related field are preferred.
  • You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
  • You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
  • You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
  • You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
  • You take initiative and show flexibility
  • You are brave and willing to learn new things
  • You are English proficient (written and spoken)
  • Job locations: Jakarta, Jawa, Indonesia

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