ASEAN Centre for Energy

ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) dibentuk pada tanggal 1 Januari 1999. ACE merupakan organisasi antar-pemerintah independen yang bernaung dalam ASEAN dan mewakili kepentingan tiap Negara Anggota ASEAN pada sektor energi.

Di era seperti saat ini perusahaan tidak hanya melihat seseorang dari ijazah dan kampus mana mereka lulus. Namun, perusahaan juga melihat seseorang dari skill yang dimiliki. Kalau kemampuan yang dimiliki biasa-biasa saja apalagi rendah, maka besar kemungkinan akan tersingkir pada saat melamar kerja. 

Meskipun setiap posisi pekerjaan memerlukan skill atau keterampilan khusus, namun ada banyak keterampilan lain yang penting untuk dimiliki karena dapat ditransfer atau diterapkan di semua posisi. 

Adapun 6 skill teratas yang paling dicari oleh para perekrut meliputi: Berpikir kritis dan problem solving, kerja sama tim, profesionalisme dan etos kerja yang kuat, keterampilan komunikasi lisan maupun tertulis, Inisiatif, dan leadership.

ACE Virtual Internship for ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project Phase II (ACCEPT II)

  • Enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree in any science and engineering major in particular energy and climate degree including environmental science, economics, public policy, law and politics.
  • Be third year or last year student or a fresh graduate degree but must commence the internship within 6 months period after graduation.
  • Good computer skills in the Microsoft Office suite. Any other computer or related software skill is a plus.
  • Professional work experience is not required, however, any exposure or involvement in energy and climate sector is a plus.
  • Strong willingness to learn about energy and climate sector, especially in the scope of power, fossil fuel, alternative energy and storage sectors.
  • Ability to work in a team and to adapt to a diverse working environment.
  • Maintain good English both oral and writing.
  • Have good academic performance as demonstrated by recent university records.
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the internship will be conducted in virtual basis only and no physical appearance is required. Intern can join the internship from anywhere on their current residents. However, he/she must be able to commit with ACE’s normal office hours: 8.30 AM to 4.30 PM Jakarta Time (GMT+7).
  • The internship duration is 4 to 6 months; and it is expected to be started on January 2023 (expected).
  • This will be a paid internship programme
  • Deadline: 8 December 2022
  • The intern is entitled to an internship allowance of IDR 100,000 per effective working day to cover their daily meal and transport.
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