PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk adalah anak usaha Garuda Indonesia yang menyediakan jasa perawatan, perbaikan, dan pemeriksaan pesawat terbang.
Di era seperti saat ini perusahaan tidak hanya melihat seseorang dari ijazah dan kampus mana mereka lulus. Namun, perusahaan juga melihat seseorang dari skill yang dimiliki. Kalau kemampuan yang dimiliki biasa-biasa saja apalagi rendah, maka besar kemungkinan akan tersingkir pada saat melamar kerja.
Meskipun setiap posisi pekerjaan memerlukan skill atau keterampilan khusus, namun ada banyak keterampilan lain yang penting untuk dimiliki karena dapat ditransfer atau diterapkan di semua posisi.
Adapun 6 skill teratas yang paling dicari oleh para perekrut meliputi: Berpikir kritis dan problem solving, kerja sama tim, profesionalisme dan etos kerja yang kuat, keterampilan komunikasi lisan maupun tertulis, Inisiatif, dan leadership.
1. Rookie Development Program Engineering & Planning Matriculation
- Bachelor degree (S1) from a reputable University, majoring: General Engineering or related fields
- Maximum age for selection: 25 years old
- English proficiency test (TOEIC) score: 500 from reputable institutions (equivalent test such as IELTS or TOEFL is accepted)
- Single and willing to remain unmarried during the program
- Willing to be placed according to company needs
- Good critical and analytical skill
- Good problem-solving comprehension
- Excellent sense of improvement
- Excellent in communicating ideas clearly and effectively to gain understanding from peers and superiors
- Apply:
2. Rookie Development Program Engineering & Planning
- Bachelor degree (S1/D4) from a reputable University, majoring: Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Maximum age for selection: 25 years old
- English proficiency test (TOEIC) score: 500 from reputable institutions (equivalent test such as IELTS or TOEFL is accepted)
- Single and willing to remain unmarried during the program
- Willing to be placed according to company needs
- Good critical and analytical skill
- Good problem-solving comprehension
- Excellent sense of improvement
- Excellent in communicating ideas clearly and effectively to gain understanding from peers and superiors
- Apply:
3. Rookie Development Program Business Support
- Bachelor degree (S1) from a reputable University, majoring: Accounting, Finance, Psychology, Law, Business Administration, or related fields
- Maximum age for selection: 25 years old
- English proficiency test (TOEIC) score: 500 from reputable institutions (equivalent test such as IELTS or TOEFL is accepted)
- Single and willing to remain unmarried during the program
- Willing to be placed according to company needs
- Good critical and analytical skill
- Good problem-solving comprehension
- Excellent sense of improvement
- Excellent in communicating ideas clearly and effectively to gain understanding from peers and superiors
- Apply: