Profil Perusahaan
FisTx adalah start-up berbasis teknologi dan perikanan yang berfokus pada pengembangan keahlian akuakultur dengan memberikan solusi inovatif untuk mendukung produktivitas dan keandalan petani akuakultur.
Jl Nangka IV No.199, Krodan, Maguwoharjo,
Depok, Sleman Regency,
Special Region of Yogyakarta
Social Media
PT Aditya Inovasi Makmur (FisTx Indonesia) is hiring:
This skill development program is specially designed for those who want to deepen their knowledge and expertise in the world of aquaculture. The program emphasizes accelerating aquaculture curricula to shape reliable and professional aquaculturists through training in both hard and soft skills.
- Under 25 years old
- Bachelor/ Diploma Degree/ High School Graduated Students in Aquaculture/Fishery Management
- Highly interest in aquaculture industry and having a basic knowledge in aquaculture or related study
- Has analytical thinking skills
- Pshycally and mentally healthy
- Commit to finish the program
- Open to applicants from all over Indonesia
Deadline 15 Oktober 2024
Sumber: FisTx
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